Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day cook-out at Andy and Jen's

Swansons make these bag sets--Swanny builds 'em and Jen paints 'em.
They're cool.
(the bag sets and Jen and Swan)

Drew loves his dad's tractor.

My mom sporting Lore's "Kathy" purse.

A fun game of wiffle ball.

Jen and Kiley.

My sils, Jess and Heather, and their babies.

How sweet is that dual chair? Has a built-in cooler, too. So sweet.


  1. it's wIffle ball

  2. Around here, they call the bean bag toss game "cornhole", which gives me the giggles every time I hear it!

  3. There's that purse again! I thought y'all were playing washers.


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