Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The brazilian secret revealed...

Alright, because you asked, I shall tell. The crazy thing I learned about a Brazilian wax is that in addition to the obvious spot, they also wax where the sun don't shine, but evidently the grass still grows. There. I said it. The secret is out.

Happy Wednesday evening, friends!

You must check out Heatherty's blog for another fabulous giveaway!


  1. Nice. And what if you have things protruding from there? Not that I'm asking for me of course, but just askin'.

  2. Yeah, what if there are grapes in your crack grass? Just wondering.

    I guess it's just par for the course, once you're in that position, that they'd take as much hair as possible.

  3. I'm shuddering at the thought of this.

  4. oooh, think I will pass. The pain alone is reason to avoid it then the awkward position on top of that. NO THANKS! Thanks for the edjucatin' I would hate to accidentally sign up for something like that.

  5. Can you imagine the person who does this job, waking up Monday morning thinking "Yay! I have 5 Brazilian Crack appointments today!"

  6. wait...are you saying you had it done???
    if so...was it worth it??

  7. LOL!! This was so entertaining!! Thanks for the laugh! :D


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