Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lovely spontaneous dinner with friends

My friend Jen helped me out by watching my children for an hour after school. Then when I picked them up--lucky day--they graciously invited us to stay for dinner!

Yummy pork chops, salad, potatoes, asparagus (favorite of mine) and rolls. Sure beats the smooshy sandwich I was planning on fixing. Thanks, Stumbaughs!

**Over at Chatting at the Sky, a little gratitude lesson called Tuesdays Unwrapped is practiced every...you guessed it...Tuesday!
What I am grateful for today:
1. That my friend babysat Alex and Jami so I was able to varnish a lot of doors.
2. I'm also super-grateful that my friend fed us a delicious dinner!
3. Drywall was delivered today--yay!
4. Insulation is finished--yipee!
5. 80 degree weather coming up this week!
6. Always, always grateful for family and friends.


  1. Mmmm pork chops....I must start cooking again.

  2. Great things to be thankful for, for sure! Thanks for linking up and joining the party!

  3. Your busy!!! The food looks great!! Maybe I should cook tonight?

  4. Don't you just LOVE friends that Cook?!
    Thanks for checking out my blog~have a great week!

  5. Oh aren't surprises like this wonderful? Much more fun than if you'd been planning it for weeks. Hope today brings you more incredible and happy events in your life.
    Happy Twirls


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