Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Snow clouds and Kurt Warner

Doesn't this snow resemble the clouds you see looking out your airplane window?

Alex with his very cool Kurt Warner autographed football.

The banquet Alex and Jeff attended yesterday.
Alex will remember that day forever.
Thanks again, Uncle Mickey!

Have a fabulous Tuesday, friends!
I don't have many words in me today.
Odd, isn't it?

Guest blogger any day now!!!!


  1. So glad he had a good time. He was sooooo excited when he got there, it was adorable!

  2. Cool snow picture. Makes me wish I was on a plane though...flying to a tropical beach somewhere....

  3. The snow TOTALLY looks like clouds. That's what I honestly thought it was at first. Very cool

  4. But where are the rest of the pics of the house??!!?!? I am still on the edge of my seat waiting in anticipation!!!!


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