Monday, March 9, 2009

At the moment Monday

At the moment, I'm confused as to why I can't get this to stop underlining. Why? Why would the computer choose to not allow me to disengage the underliner? Funny thing, there isn't even an underlining function on the posting section here.

We'll roll with it.

At the moment, also, I'm loving these clingy label thingies for drinks. Pretty cute.

Have a fabulous week! And that is underlined for emphasis. I really, really want you to have a fabulous week.

Oh, and check out my mom's etsy shop by clicking on the pic of the hats to the right. I listed her hats for $15 each, but she informed me I need to lower the price to only $7. That's a bit of a steal, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. The hats are great! I just love them! Thanks for the well wishes and I hope that you figure out the underline things soon!


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