Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I finished painting! And I have the incredibly sore elbow to prove it.

Alex's Pittsburgh Steelers bedroom.
I don't know why it's up here and not down there with the other Alex bedroom pictures?

For Jami, we went with the traditional light pink--cotton candy, actually.

I like my cupolas.

Alex's Pittsburgh Steelers bedroom.


  1. I like your cupolas too! That sounds dirty doesn't it?!

  2. Nice cupolas...I agree it sounds awfully fresh to say that.

    Musta taken a heck of a lot of paint for that dark wall!

  3. Hi Marci
    The house looks great. I forget what it is like to see big beautiful trees outside all the windows. I can't wait to see it when it is finished. I bet you can't wait either!
    Tell Jeff's dad HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Tom(I'm not sure if he would know me).
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Jeff. I know the big 15 year is coming up but I'm not sure when.
    Have a great summer!

  4. Looks fantastic...I can almost hear the parties starting!!!


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